Radon Testing and Mitigation in Newcastle, WY
Newcastle, Wyoming, is known for its stunning scenic vistas and awesome outdoor activities. What you may not know is that this area near the Black Hills is also in one of America’s worst zones for radon exposure.
Could your home and family be at risk? Blackburn Foundation Repair is ready to help you stay safe, healthy and happy. As a member of the Basement Systems Network, we’re proud to join forces with leading experts on two continents to keep your basement in perfect condition to stop radon, moisture and other hazards that might have adverse impacts on your well-being.

Radon Explained
Radon gas occurs naturally, but you probably wouldn’t know it: This substance is silent, invisible and impossible to smell or taste. Unlike other carcinogens, however, it can harm you even if you don’t engage in adverse behaviors like smoking.
Blackburn Foundation Repair is certified with
the AARST and NRPP for radon mitigation and testing.
How Did Radon Enter My Home?
Although the atmosphere contains small amounts of radon, it can build up to harmful levels in confined spaces, such as your basement. As the rocks, minerals and other components in soil decay, they often release radon into buildings. After it passes through cracked foundations, masonry joints, cavities, crawl spaces and pipe entry points, this gas accumulates in your basement and other parts of your home until it increases your risk of lung cancer.
In mineral-rich places like Wyoming, radon that seeps from rocks can enter the groundwater. This tendency means that even if your home isn’t right on top of a significant radon pocket, any fluid that leaks into your basement might carry radiation risks with it in addition to causing more common problems, such as mold growth or wood rot.
Fighting Back: Why Testing and Mitigation Are so Important
Radon isn’t a lone threat. As it emits harmful radiation, it can break down into other dangerous elements that also release radiation. Unlike radon, which is a gas, however, these elements may take solid forms that allow them to stick to dust, the walls of your home or your furniture. From there, they spread potentially deadly carcinogens even further.
It’s not enough to test a single room for radon and call it a day.
In addition to spreading through decay and other means, radon can occur at different levels in different parts of your home. Installing a detector or using a DIY test kit in one spot may leave you vulnerable to hazards that lurk just around the corner.
Talk to an expert at Blackburn Foundation Repair now.
We’ve been helping residents and business owners deal with radon problems in South Dakota, Nebraska and Wyoming since 1992. Our testing procedures are extremely thorough because we firmly believe that everyone deserves a fair chance at leading a healthy life. From offering complimentary estimates to guaranteeing our work for the life of your building, we’re ready to do whatever it takes to keep your family’s surroundings radon free.
Comprehensive Service and a Devotion to Quality
At Blackburn Foundation Repair, we don’t just perform in-depth radon testing. We also provide industry-approved mitigation services to ensure that you don’t have to worry about these problems coming back to haunt you.
Our basement sealing and waterproofing experts make it easier to keep radon and groundwater out for good.
Whether you’ve got a fast leak or a slow drip, we have the experience to put an end to it. We use only the best products and minimally invasive techniques to provide results that last and reduce your costs.
Learn more about how Blackburn Foundation Repair can improve the spaces where you live, work or play; contact Blackburn Foundation Repair online or call us at 1 (800) 392-3389 for your home’s radon testing, or mitigation estimate.